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Turing Pharmaceuticals: The Ethics of Drug Pricing - Presentation
作者姓名:Shernaz Bodhanwala; Aakash Bothra;
出版日期:2017/11/08內容長度:72 頁

Presentation for product 8B17M167.

Turing Pharmaceuticals: The Ethics of Drug Pricing - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Shernaz Bodhanwala; Aakash Bothra;
出版日期:2017/11/08內容長度:12 頁

Teaching note for product 9B17M167.

Turing Pharmaceuticals: The Ethics of Drug Pricing
作者姓名:Shernaz Bodhanwala; Aakash Bothra;
商品類型:Case (Pub Mat)商品編號:9B17M167
出版日期:2017/11/08內容長度:9 頁

In 2015 there was a public outcry over the price increase in Daraprim (pyrimethamine) by Turing Pharmaceuticals AG (Turing). Daraprim was a drug that was widely used by a small population of U.S. patients to treat toxoplasmosis. Soon after Turing acquired its commercialization rights in August 2015, the company increased the list price of the drug by over 5,000 per cent. The increase led to consumer protests in the United States, and the media vehemently .....more